January 1908This magazine is Volume 1, issue number 1
The price was one penny. Our minister in January 1908 was Rev. T.R. Ballantine (BA) This first magazine was issued in 500 copies and the members of McQuiston were asked to secure a wide circulation for the magazine. At this stage our Church was growing and had over 500 families and 22 organisations working vigorously in the neighbourhood. The reason that the magazine was printed was "to keep our large congregation in touch with our work and to help to more fully organise our members for Christian service." "We believe there is a great work for out church to do. We have well-equipped buildings, a fine position on the "hill-head" and all around the homes of the people. |
November 1910This magazine is Volume 3, issue number 11. This magazine contains details of the calling of Rev D.D. Boyle to McQuiston Memorial Church. Our church is described as "only about 19 years's growth, and in that time under the care of our late pastor, Rev,T.R. Ballantine, we have built and equipped a church and lecture hall costing over £7000, in every way up to date, almost debt free, and situate in the centre of a densely populated district. The church was described as having between 500 and 600 families, a central and 3 district Sabbath-schools, with 800 - 900 children on the roll. From the Newry Reporter - "At half-past two the Presbytery entertained Rev. D.D.Boyle and the visiting deputation to a complimentary dinner in the Catch-My-Pal Cafe, Sugar Island." |
March 1908This magazine is Volume 1, issue number 3.
The price remains one penny. Three Bible Classes met on a Sunday morning - The Study Circle met at 9.30am, The Helping-Hands met at 10.00am and the Young People's met at 10.00am. In this year, The Sustentation Fund of the Irish Presbyterian Church expected McQuiston to contribute at least £80 toward the fund. The average attendance at the Helping Hands Bible Class (HHBC) was recorded as 125. "The secret must be that that they like their leader, Mr. Hamilton and appreciate his efforts on their behalf." Master Willie Holmes consented to act as pianist at BB drill on Monday evenings and was cordially received by the officers and boys on his first appearance, 17th Feb. December 1910This magazine is Volume 3, issue number 12. The price is still one penny. Our minister in December 1910 was Rev. D.D. Boyle and Mr. J.F.Anderson was the Assistant Minister. This magazine contains the first pastoral letter from Rev. D.D. Boyle to his new church. Rev T.R. Ballantine had left McQuiston after receiving a call to minister in Boksburg, South Africa. Mr. J F Anderson looked after the church in the vacancy and when Rev.D.D Boyle was appointed minister, Mr. Anderson was appointed as his assistant for four months. A notice in this magazine puts a decline in the number attending Sabbath-school down to a lack of footwear and warm clothing, because the weather had been so wintry.Parcels were to be given to Mr. Wasson. |
April 1911 |