Charles James Ervine 2nd Lieutenant Northumberland Fusiliers
27th Battalion
Charles was the eldest child of Robert and Mary Ervine of 32 Castlereagh Place, Belfast. They had 6 children namely Charles, Alex Glendinning, Harry Laurence, Robert Laurence, Fredrick William and Annie Margaret. By the 1911 census the family had moved to 190 Cregagh Road, Belfast. In 1911 Mr Ervine was a Commission Agent and Charles was an apprentice linen worker.
The McQuiston Magazine of May 1916 records that “Charlie” was one of the earliest members of the Bible Class and was faithful in his attendance. He was also a prominent member of the 19th Belfast BB Company and distinguished himself on the athletic work of the Company and played in the cricket and football teams which won such renown in 1909. (For further details please see extract below)
Charles took up his commission in August 1915 and embarked for France in January 1916. He died of wounds on 6 April 1916 aged 22 and is buried at Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension Nord, France close to the Belgium border.
Charles’ younger brother Alex served as a Quarter Master Sergeant in the Royal Irish Rifles, 14th Battalion and was decorated with a M.M. and M.S.M.
You can also read an account of, “An immortal incident in the gallant career of the late C J Ervine” as recorded in the McQuiston magazine dated December 1918 below.
Charles’ name is included on the Presbyterian Roll of Honour.