Aaron Wasson Gardner Service Number SS/1503 Private Army Service Corps 3rd Cav. Div. Supply Col.
Aaron was born in 1890 as the second child of Joseph and Margaretta Gardner, 39 Hatton Drive. His siblings are Joseph, William, Florence and Caroline. Both Mr Gardner and Aaron were bakers.
Before embarking Aaron was Chaplain of the Harkness Memorial Temperance LOL 1003. He was also a member of the UVF and his name is recorded on the War Memorial, Woodstock Road, Belfast.
Aaron died from wounds received in action on 9 November 1914 and is buried at Railway Chateau Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium.
Aaron’s mother and a Miss J Laverty, 19 Hatton Drive received a War Gratuity of £3.
Aaron’s other brothers Joseph and William enlisted in the army and both were killed in the war. (See individual records) All three sons were killed within 10 months of each other.
Aaron’s name is included on the Presbyterian Roll of Honour.